Event Date & Time
  • August 27, 2024
    9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event & Payment Details

  Cliftons Brisbane

Level 24, 288 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

 9:00 am – 04:00 pm

 $490 ex GST per person

Invoiced by Loop Software

Payment & Cancellation Policy

 BYOD Training Session

Wifi enabled, including power cord


This event has been cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact us.

About This Event

This course is designed to equip staff with the essential skills needed to effectively oversee the daily movements of both staff and students within the school environment. It covers a diverse range of aspects, including calendars, daily schedule changes, excursions, resource management, detentions, parent–teacher interviews, music lessons and more.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of Daymap’s capabilities and explore strategies to leverage it as a powerful tool for enhancing student management and school administration.


In this session you will learn how to:

  • Import data such as timetables, daily changes and supervisions, for streamlined organisation.
  • Create calendars tailored for whole school use, specific groups, or individual needs.
  • Manage permissions for staff across different areas of Daymap, controlling access, editing rights, and reading privilages.
  • Effectively creating and overseeing excursions and incursions, including obtaining parent consent.
  • Establishing and overseeing regular music, sport and special interest activities.
  • Planning and managing meetings, and whole-school events, for seamless coordination.
  • Booking and managing room and resources efficiently.
  • Setting up and utilising Parent-Teacher interviews, covering the perspective of administration, teachers and parents.
  • Scheduling and marking detention rolls accurately.
  • Displaying staff as offsite when they are not on school grounds, irrespective of the reason.
  • Welcoming and managing onsite visitors, along with maintaining appropriate record keeping.

By the end of this session, participants will be well equipped with the knowledge and tools to harness Daymap for optimal management of daily school activities and events.


Who should attend?

  • Daymap Leaders who are looking for an overview of calendaring and event management at their school.
  • Administration staff who configure and manage everything around calendaring and scheduling.

We recommend that schools send at least two staff members to this course so that teams can reflect and plan on improving existing processes or the implementation of new processes. There will be time for discussion, reflection and application to participants’ own contexts.

All course participants receive training materials, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. We limit our sessions to small groups, allowing participants to engage directly with our experienced trainers and to share and collaborate with other members of the Daymap community. 
